
[웨비나] Fragment-Based Drug Discovery of Cofactor-Specific Inhibitors for p97 [한국시간 5월 20일 (목) 12 AM]

기간 : 2021-05-20 ~ 2021-05-20
시간 : 00:00:00 ~ 18:00

[ Webinar ]

Fragment-Based Drug Discovery of Cofactor-Specific Inhibitors for p97

[ Time ]

한국시간 5월 20일 (목) 12 AM

[ Presenter ]
Sebastian Bothe
PostDoc, Department of Biochemistry
University of Wuerzburg, Germany

Dr Helge Schnerr
Global Campaign Manager

[ Overview ]
The AAA-ATPase p97 is an essential protein involved in numerous cellular processes and plays a key role in multiple aspects of protein homeostasis. Its functional diversity is mediated through the interaction with many distinct cofactors. Due to its significant role in regulating a variety of physiological responses, p97 has emerged as a potential therapeutic target. In this webinar, Sebastian Bothe from the University of Würzburg will present a combined approach that exploits computer-based methods, including virtual screening of molecular databases and biochemical/biophysical techniques.
Accelerate your research with a field-upgradeable, label-free biomolecule analysis platform. Octet® systems have become indispensable analytical instruments enabling a broad range of application and workflow requirements. In his presentation, Dr Helge Schnerr, Global Campaign Manager at Sartorius will provide an overview of label-free biolayer interferometry (BLI) and its benefits.
Attend this webinar to learn more about:
- How to select potential candidates
- The use of biolayer interferometry (BLI) for fragment screenings
- Developing label-free assays for small molecule characterization
- Optimizing the measurement of small molecule inhibitors

> Webinar Registration
admin admin · 2021-05-07 15:08 · 조회 353
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