[웨비나] Best Practices in RegenMed Product Development: Know Your Cost of Goods

2020-09-22 10:44
Best Practices in RegenMed Product Development: Know Your Cost of Goods
  • Time:     Wednesday, September 16th @ 12pm ~1pm EST
  • Title:     Best Practices in RegenMed Product Development: Know Your Cost of Goods
  • Topic:   Cell and gene therapy has grown rapidly in recent years, but challenges arise across every stage of the discovery and development process.
Knowing the pitfalls and learning best practices in product development is critical in running your therapeutic program successfully and cost-efficiently.

Doing it right from the beginning will potentially save you significant time and millions of dollars.

Speaker: Joe Candiello, Ph.D.

Dr. Candiello is a bioengineering expert with years of experience working at the nexus of biomaterials, biophysics, and organoid engineering. During 10+ years in academic research, he focused primarily on engineering a stem cell based vascularized islet organoid system for diabetes research as well as previous studies understanding the biophysical properties of developing interstitial tissues during his PhD in Bioengineering at the University of Pittsburgh. Prior to his PhD, Joe received his BSc from the Pennsylvania State University in Engineering Science and Mechanics, where he currently serves on the department's Industry & Professional Advisory Council. Dr. Candiello joined RoosterBio as a Field Application Scientist in 2017 before his current role as Global Product Manager helping to bring new and innovative products to the market to support MSC based therapeutics.

Moderator: Mayasari Lim, Ph.D.

Dr. Lim is a stem cell bioprocessing veteran with many years of experience developing bioreactor processes and application of experimental design strategies. She is active contributor in the bioprinting community and was recognized for her initiative in developing bioprinting tools for education as founder of SE3D. Prior to that, she was an Assistant Professor in Bioengineering at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore spearheading the stem cell bioprocessing group in bone marrow and cardiac tissue engineering. Dr. Lim obtained her PhD in Chemical Engineering from Imperial College London and BSc in Chemical Engineering from University of California, Berkeley. Dr. Lim currently is RoosterBio's Technology Evangelist driving customer success in Regenerative Medicine.

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