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  • Webinar - Rapidly Transition From Batch to BioSMB Multi-Column Chromatography

Historically, transitioning from traditional batch capture chromatography to multi-column chromatography was expensive and inefficient. The BioSMB platform reduces your batch-to-MCC transformation time to less than a week.

The switch from batch to multi-column chromatography has long been a costly and time-consuming process. The BioSMB platform changes the game. Our webinar explores how you can make a seamless transition and increase productivity in less than a week.

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What You Will Learn:

  1. Explore how Sartorius can help you make the switch from traditional batch to multi-column chromatography in less than a week.

  2. Learn the potential benefits of the transition, including a 3-5x increase in productivity.

  3. Discover how the BioSMB platform can be used by anyone with minimal commitment and resources.

Meet Our Expert:

Karl Rogler

Resolute® BioSMB Systems Product Manager

Karl Rogler earned his bachelor’s degree in Chemical Engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, where he specialized in chromatography applications for protein purification. He has been developing chromatography applications on the Resolute® BioSMB system since 2013. In 2015, he became project manager for several Resolute® BioSMB projects and serves today as the Resolute® BioSMB Systems Product Manager.

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