Application Note: Explore and Simplify Chemical Engineering Applications

Analytical balances are crucial for various interdisciplinary fields of academic research. In recent years, remarkable developments in weighing system technology and electronics have made research workflows easier and more efficient. The Sartorius Cubis® line is the performance benchmark in its field, offering built-in and customizable software solutions, modularity, web services and connectivity options at the highest levels of accuracy and precision. 

This precision is particularly important in fields like chemical engineering, a discipline that influences numerous industries (biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, environmental engineering, etc.). In this guide, you will find an overview of various weighing applications from the field of chemical engineering published in peer-reviewed academic journals. 

Commonly Asked Questions:  

  • What are prominent branches of chemical engineering?
    • While there are numerous sub-categories for chemical engineering, some of the more prominent categories include biotechnology, nanotechnology, heat and mass transfer, separation processes, electrochemistry and thermodynamics. 
  • How are analytical balances factored into chemical engineering research? 
    • Whether it is a titration process, impurity test, elemental analysis, particulate matter determination or other process, during analytical workflows, samples are weighed multiple times. Due to the low-error nature of these projects, high-precision lab balances are required. 

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